Enduro Rules 2019
Grant County (Herman) – www.grantcountyfair.net
Question about Rules, Please call Cory Kramer at 320-304-1402.
It is YOUR responsibility to read, understand, and adhere to all these rules!
These rules were written to help protect you & the sport of Enduro racing. Please read & abide by them. If you have questions please call. All rules will be enforced as fairly as possible by track officials & are not open to discussion. Track officials have the FINAL say! Their will be NO arguing, fighting, etc. After the issues in the past there will be a NO TOLERANCE rule for this year, this goes for on or off the track and will include threats made on social media, text messages, etc. as well. Drivers, pitmen, fans, & spectators will ALL be on their best behavior at ALL times this year or each track will reserve the right to stop an event, escort offender(s) & belongings off the grounds, & disqualify or ban offender(s) for any amount of time they see fit. Participating tracks also reserve the right to end or cancel any race or remainder of races at any time if they so choose.
1. Enduro participants must be 16 years of age or older with a VALID drivers license. No one
under 14 years of age allowed in the pits. Legal consent of parent/guardian and notarized
release waivers are required for all persons under the age of 18 who will be competing in the
race. Bring your drivers license as it will be held until you return electronic counter device.
2. NO ALCOHOL in pit area before or during and at some tracks after the event! Violation WILL
result in disqualification and forfeiture of entry fees, winnings, and lap and race position points.
3. Pre-registration of car, driver, and payment is different at each track, so please take note:
A. Big Stone County: Pre-registration required before the day of the event. Late registrations
will be charged extra. Registration fees should be paid by cash, money order, or check,
or on-line with a credit card or Pay Pal account at no extra charge at www.bscfair.org.
Any NSF checks will be charged $30 plus cost to recover. All drivers and pit people must
pay entry and register at pit gate. Drivers starting position determined at registration.
B. Grant County: Pre-registration is required, you must call & tell us you are coming so we
know who is going to be there, you may pay your entry fees when you show up. If you
don’t call 2 days before the race you may be charged and additional $30 fee. Registration
fees should be paid by cash, money order, or check. Any NSF checks will be charged $30
plus cost to recover. All drivers and pit people must pay entry and register at pit gate.
Drivers starting position determined at registration.
4. EVERYONE entering the event area is required to sign their own name on the entrance waiver
before entering event or pit areas. Those under 18 will also require legal guardian’s signature.
5. Yelling at, use of profanity toward, or interrupting an official during inspection or while monitoring
an event will result in RED FLAGING of the event & offender(s) will be escorted from the event
area before the event will resume. Such actions at any time, even following the event, can
result in, but are not limited to disqualification, forfeiture of winnings/fees/points, expulsion from
event &/or grounds, & banning from future events. Drivers, tell your pit crews & fans to keep
their tongues in check, as this goes for them as well & will count against you!
6. Pit crew, drivers not in current event and spectators must stay out of the safety zone that will be
explained at the pit meeting as this area is for officials and fire & safety crews ONLY!
7. All drivers and Pit crew are required to attend the pit meeting shortly before the event.
8. The officials reserve the right to disqualify any car or driver determined to be unsafe to drive or
not in the spirit of the rules before, during, or after any event. Yes, winning units may be reinspected
OR YOU ARE RUNNING FOR NOTHING! It is YOUR responsibility to adhere to the rules!
9. You must remove your equipment from the grounds as soon as possible but no later than
Sunday one week following the event or the event organizer will consider it abandoned and will
remove it & the owner(s) will be charged any expense of storage, removal & disposal. Further,
any equipment remaining on the property longer than 30 days after said event shall be
deemed to be abandoned & the property owner may dispose of the property as its own.
10.Compact class cars will follow the same competition and safety rules as the full size with the
exceptions given for STOCK items that are common in FWD’s but are not allowed in RWD’s.
These safety and competition rules as laid out here will be followed. Some additional rules for
the front wheel drive cars can be found near the end of this rules sheet. If you have
questions – ASK before hand – don’t argue when you get to the track.
11.There will be no duplication of car numbers. The first car entered with that number may get the
number, and any other car will have to change their number, however preference will be given
to veteran cars. It is STRONGLY recommended that a large metal sign be bolted to the roof of
the car displaying the number. Each digit of the number should be a minimum of 12”h x 9”w,
facing each way (left and right) from the driver’s seat. EXAMPLE: the number 333 should
cover an area 12”h x 27”w.
12.No profanity or suggestive language or pictures on car, kids will be watching this family event.
13.The Enduro Race time will be determined by each track. There will be separate races for each
the large cars and the front wheel drive cars if enough participants are entered. The red flag
will be brought out only in the event of serious safety situations or to water the track. Restarts
after a red flag will be standing restarts. There will be no realigning of the field to current
positions. Changes to running times will be announced at the pit meeting.
14.RED FLAGS—You will stop on a red flag! No pitting on a red flag. No pit crew on the track
during a red flag. If your car is off the track and in the INFIELD SAFETY ZONE, you may NOT
15.Cars will be removed from the track during red flags as directed by flagmen if they are stalled,
stuck, or in a dangerous position for that driver or for others. FLAGMAN’S CALL IS FINAL!
Cars towed off will not be allowed back on the track. (EXCEPT rule #21 directly below)
16.Cars will be removed by officials only, unless otherwise directed by a flagman. Any attempt to
remove your own car and you will be disqualified & forfeit any winnings/fees/points.
17.Only one tow/parts vehicle per Enduro entrant allowed into the pits during the race.
18.Any fire on your car and you’re done for the day. Any fuel leak and you may be disqualified.
19.You will be disqualified for aggressive driving or excessive speed in the pits.
20.Race time will be extended only if an extended safety condition requires it. Drivers will be
21.You will get ONLY one free push. This will be done only on a Red Flag for a safety issue only: i.e.
watering the track or car in dangerous position on track, at flagmen’s discretion.
22.Per new insurance regulations some races may be limited to an average speed of 70pmh.
23.Track officials reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. Track rules may be subject to change.
MOTOR RESTRICTIONS – (Many new rules for 2014. READ and ADHERE to these rules!)
1. Stock motors in stock position only. Engine MUST be composed of all stock parts. No high
performance or aftermarket heads, cast iron or OEM cylinder heads only. No “X” series GM
heads. NO aluminum heads in cars prior to 1990 model year.
2. No high performance or aftermarket engine blocks/cylinder bocks allowed, OEM ONLY.
3. Cast iron or other STOCK to that CAR OEM exhaust manifold and OEM intake manifold only. No high-rise intakes, no non-OEM aluminum intakes, heads, or blocks. No high
performance or aftermarket intakes. Intakes must have OE raised insignia and firing order on
them and can NOT measure more than ½ inch above STOCK valve covers! No performance
parts added to the intake. No machining of intake/exhaust manifolds for any purposes.
4. No high performance carburetors, only carbs allowed will be 4bbl Rochester, 2bbl Rochester,
2bbl Holley, and STOCK Quadrajet. No double pumpers, no performance carbs, NO
5. No roller cams or rockers. STOCK valve covers and oil pans only. No high-rise valve covers of
any kind. No additional oil lines/ports added to valve covers or heads.
6. No high performance ignition systems, OEM only.
7. No high compression or domed pistons allowed. OEM STOCK style pistons ONLY.
8. Track officials reserve the right to spot-check any car for stock motor restrictions before or after
the race without prior notice. Discrepancies will be disqualified at officials’ discretion.
9.No electric fuel pumps unless it is STOCK with that CAR (not engine) and has safety pull shut off
device. Electric fuel pump MUST have an inline electrical disconnect that is attached to a
handle taped or fastened behind the driver’s seat easily reached by the fire fighters from the
outside of the vehicle to turn pump off in the event of a roll over or fire. THIS MUST BE A
GRAB AND PULL DISCONECT!!! (Example: use an inline flat fuse holder and a wire w/flat
terminal ends) (Please contact tracks listed above with Questions) Make it clearly marked.
10.Pump fuel from a gas station ONLY. No race or airplane fuel. We MAY test your fuel at any time.
11.STOCK Fuel Injection will be allowed but must be STOCK with that CAR! NO ALTERATIONS.
12.Track officials reserve the right to disqualify any car that they believe is not stock. If the officials
believe it does not contain stock parts it is up to them if the car will run, NO ARGUMENTS!
1. Any street stock passenger automobile may be used. No pickups, 4x4’s, compacts, or imports
allowed. A minimum wheelbase of 102”. Exceptions to stock are listed below:
A. All doors and trunk lids must be bolted, welded, or strapped shut. Leave a 6”x6” minimum
inspection hole in the trunk so we can look inside of it. You will not be allowed to race
without the hood or trunk lid.
B. Only one (1) battery allowed. Battery should be located under the hood or mounted
securely inside or in trunk in a FULLY ENCLOSED & REINFORCED battery box &
mounted securely, no tarp straps. No firewall cut outs permitted for battery placement.
Wrap in rubber to prevent arcing and reduce risk of broken battery.
C. Any DOT street legal tire (must have stamped DOT number on it) on any OEM or standard
aftermarket rim may be used. No bead-locks. No studded tires.
2. OEM gas tanks must be in stock position and held securely with 2 additional straps made from a
minimum 1/16”x1½” wide strap iron (minimum), and they must be welded or bolted with 3/8”
bolts and adequate washers. Skid plate or protective cover allowed. Only one gas tank
allowed. You may replace gas tank with an approved racing fuel cell with steel outside
container, and place it under the trunk lid between the frame rails, original tank or fuel cell must
be covered. Any gas leaks must be fixed or you’re disqualified.
3. Mud flaps required on rear only. Flaps must be made of heavy rubber material (such as truck
flaps or belting), one flap must be mounted securely to the rear bumper for each rear wheel.
Each must hang no more than 2” from the ground and must be at least 18” wide.
4. No reinforcement of car frame, structure, or bumpers allowed with exception for those listed
A. Front and rear bumpers must be welded or strapped to the frame so they won’t fall off if
impacted. 1/8” sheeting is allowed from the bumper to the fender. If your bumper falls off
you will be disqualified and out of the race. Must be original type bumper. No chopped off
or shortened bumpers permitted.
B. Optional braces from frame to corners of front and rear bumpers are allowed. Braces not
to be made from pipe larger than 1 5/8” O.D. One brace per corner. No nerf bars.
C. Rear frame of car may be reinforce to protect gas tank or fuel cell, however it must stop 3”
from the top of the arch in the frame above rear axle and ahead of the rear bumper.
Reinforcements must also stay between frame rails.
D. Optional hoop over radiator with 2 support braces, braces may extend to safety cage. One
brace of 1” O.D. pipe maximum may be added between front frames.
E. Metal used to cover radiator on front of car must not exceed 1/8” with no bracing. Skid
plate allowed, made of maximum 1/8” sheeting, from radiator saddle to front cross
F. You will be allowed to repair damaged area of car, but repairs must not extend beyond
damaged area and must not be considered excessive. Excessive sheeting of body will
not be allowed. Call for official suggestions and approval.
5. NO metal is to be removed from car (except for chrome trim, glass frames, & inner doors to
allow for roll cage door bars). Wheel wells, fender liners, etc. can be altered 2” to 3”.
6. NO suspension alterations permitted. All suspension parts must be stock appearing and in
stock position. No coil over shocks. No preloading or alteration of suspension.
7. Absolutely no glass allowed to be left in car or inside doors. Broken glass must be completely
cleaned out of the car before it comes to the track. Absolutely no mirrors.
8. All trim, light bezels, door handles, chrome, debris, and loose materials etc. (& yes the empty
beverage cans) must be removed completely from the passenger compartment & trunk of car.
9. Back seats must be replaced with tin flash shield between driver and rear of car.
10.No exhaust coming out of the hood. No holes allowed in the hood. All exhaust must remain
under car. You MUST have your hood on to run (& trunk lid if fuel tank is located there).
11.No water bars or tanks, lead weights, sandbags, or other weight can be added to the car.
12.Cars must have OEM working brakes on all 4 wheels and at least one 3” working brake light in
13.Electronic counting system will be used. Bring a NEW 9V Energizer or Duracell battery for
counter. A transmitter will be mounted in each car. To accommodate this, a 6”x12” plastic
board will be mounted in the lower rear corner of the right hand window opening, parallel to the
door in line with where the door glass used to be. On 4 door cars, mount the board in the
lower rear corner of the right rear window. Do not paint the boards. NO WOODEN BOARDS!
-These safety rules are to help keep you safe. You may add to the required rules to keep you safer.
1. Heavy window screen with 2”x2” maximum hole size is required on the front windshield opening.
Minimum of four 3/8” metal bars to support the screen are required. Driver’s window must
have window net with quick release. These tracks do contain some gravel/rock.
2. FULL FACE DOT APPROVED HELMET MANDATORY with full-face shield. Removal of eye
protection face shield at any time will result in a black flag.
3. 4-point minimum racing harness required. It must be held in place with 7/16” grade 5 bolts and
adequate washers. Inspection committee must consider belts safe or you won’t race.
4. Seat and floor panels must be solid and secure. Racing seats may be used. Fiberglass seats
must have adequate reinforcing structure behind them. No passengers allowed in the racecar.
5. Full 6-point roll cage, or in Compact cars a minimum 4 point Roll cage/bar (6 point strongly
recommended) made of at least 1-5/8” heavy gauge pipe, no square tubing, exhaust pipe, or
pipe fittings. Cage must remain completely within the passenger compartment. Both driver
side and passenger side doors must have 3 bars in the horizontal position to reinforce each
door and a “vent bar” in the window. Rear hoop must have “X” brace. Front hoop must have
horizontal pipe above and below windshield opening. Top, or roof area, of cage must have
one brace across opening. Rear braces must extend from the top of the cage to 3” ahead of
the top of the arch in the frame above the rear axle. All joints and mountings must be welded
securely. No enclosing of car interior with tin or any other type of material. The roll cage must
be welded to the FRAME of the car, not just the floor. If the car has no frame under the roll
cage area you must build the floor to hold the cage.
6. Transmission cooler, if used, must be in front of radiator. Only one radiator in stock position. No
electric fans (except in FWD cars). Stock P/S coolers allowed in stock position only.
7. A fire extinguisher is required in each pit area, optional in car.
8. Clean your pit area at the end of the race or your winnings may be held back.
9. No wireless communication allowed in car during the race.
10.Paint your driveshaft WHITE so it is easy to see if it falls off. Driveshaft hoop required!
11.These rules will be strictly enforced as interpreted by the officials, not the drivers. If it’s
not right, you won’t race. If you have questions call your local track official.
1. Any front wheel drive car with 6 cylinders or less, 1986 and newer, cars older than 1986 must be
111” or less Factory wheel base to be used (no ’85 & older Toronados, Eldorados, or Riveras).
You must use a completely stock body, frame, and suspension. No additional bracing than is
allowed than in RWD class. Build the floor to hold your roll cage. Steering column and pedals
must remain stock for the make and model car. All insulation will be removed from under hood.
Rear seats and insulation removed from cabin of car and from trunk.
2. Stock carburetor or fuel injection system for make-model must be used. Engine completely
stock!! No modifications or air induction devices allowed. No turbos or superchargers.
3. Stock transmissions & rear suspensions for your make-model will be used. No all wheel drives.
4. Right front wheel MUST be reinforced to prevent loss during the race: plate with washers and/or
oversized lug nuts must be used. Any DOT street tire on any OEM or standard aftermarket rim
may be used. No bead-locks. No studded tires.
5. Door bars required! Plating below drivers seat and on drivers door Strongly Suggested. All doors
welded, bolted, strapped, or chained shut. 4 point roll bar allowed, 6 point strongly suggested.
6. Mascots, advertising, decoration, etc. are encouraged but be certain that they are attached
securely to the car so they will not fall off or be knocked off during the race.
7. Passengers allowed but ONLY if ALL safety equipment is in place for passenger as well.
These rules were written to help protect you & the sport of Enduro racing. Please read & abide by them.
If you have questions please call. All rules will be enforced as fairly as possible by track officials & are
not open to discussion. Track officials have the FINAL say! Their will be NO arguing, fighting, etc. After the issues in the past there will be a NO TOLERANCE rule for this year, this goes for on or off the track and will include threats made on social media, text messages, etc. as well. Drivers, pitmen, fans, & spectators will ALL be on their best behavior at ALL times this year or each track will reserve the right to stop an event, escort offender(s) & belongings off the grounds, & DQ or ban offender(s) for any amount of time they see fit. Participating tracks also reserve the right to end or cancel any race or remainder of races at any time if they so choose.