Grant County Fair Through the Years

Unknown band in front of the Round Building

A food stand at the 1911 Fair. Who knows what UZZIAH was?

Waiting for the arrival of JJ Hill for the fair. Note the current Fair Office, the Depot in the background. Built in 1871.

Hill spoke at the 1909 Fair. It was quite an event.

The school parade greeted JJ Hill. All county students were excused from school to attend.

JJ Hill speech to county school kids at 1909 fair.

Horse Racing in front of Grandstand in 1914

a Livestock Show at the Grant County Fair in 1914

Sea Lions were an attraction at the 1914 Fair

A political speech from Mr. Schilling in the early years. The fair has always been a popular site through the years for politicians.

The fair at the new fairgrounds in 1911

JJ Hill speech at the Fair in 1909.