Bertram & Son Trucking
The Grant County Fair is the home of the Grant County Raceways! Our track is nearly a full half-mile banked track located on the north side of the Grant County Fairgrounds in Herman, Minnesota.
The track was built in the 70's for stock car racing and was the scene of some of the fastest stock car racing around from it's construction and into the 80's. Today, speed and endurance are combined to create an entirely different race .......... the Enduro!
Enduro Racing is based on speed yes, but endurance being also very important. For 90 minutes, the winner is the driver who can get the most laps around the track during that time. Sounds easy but it definitely is not! Today, we have two classes of cars; 1) The large 8 cylinder cars, and 2) The smaller 4 cylinder cars.
We invite you to the Grant County Raceways for ....
Bertram & Son Trucking Enduro!